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RE: [Acid Streams] Battlefield 5

in #dlive6 years ago

I've bought every single Battlefield game. Every. Single. One. 1942, Vietnam, 1,2,3,4, 2142, Hardline, even the shitty, download only, that was 1943. Map packs, DLC's, and all the disk based expansions from back before DLC's were really a thing. I won't be buying this. Not because of female soldiers, as those aren't new to the franchise, but because of the unapologetic arrogance behind the statements made that can succinctly be summed up as "don't like it, don't buy it". An idea that level headed and logical criticism, that legitimate concerns raised by a loyal and concerned fan base, would be so casually and rudely disregarded, is not acceptable. A developer with that mindset, simply no longer deserves my money. I'm sad to see battlefield go, but gone it is. Oh well. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Time for some new franchise to come along and take up the mantle.