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RE: Having Fun At Skyhook Ninja Fitness!

in #dlive6 years ago

Attention Is The Most Important Currency That Anybody Can Give You. It's Worth More Than Money, Possessions Or Things.

This is a basic but deep truth , attention is worth more than riches , don’t get me wrong I’m not saying attention riches aren’t essential but when I have an audience to listen to my songs isn’t worth more than paying me a dime.

I know Steem is part of the daily life of many reading this. I know Steem is not perfect, yet in some sense it is. Steem is a reflection of everything.

Steem is my life now, steemit is what had given me the platform, the encouragement in my career and so it’s not just an hobby , it’s a way of life to me


Steem is now a force of change