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RE: I manifested my Zelda Princess. Ackza reality TV show is actually going to be worth watching now :D

in #dmania6 years ago

Ackzas Vision Boards are working

I manifested a super model who is giving em a chance and her dad is going to be impressed

Im gonanbe the top lobster
As long as I can work as teh BEST working Human being with @mughata nd @frederikaa on this I can fucking INTEGRATE STEEM into EOS and make sure WE NEVER get left behind

we make sure that ALL EOS social media posts get HOOKED INTO steem!

We will never lack again.... oh man

you all realize when I start making professional hollywood ads for eos

and when i get @spacexghana Started by @desmond41 @mcsamm @tj4reala nd get @xpency and @lordjames and @fatherfaith all help get SPACE X NIGERIA started

Elon Musk will LOVE to let Africans test his CITY rockets that can takje you from Accra or Lagos to South Africa in MINUTES

The ride will BE AMAIZNG

It will DESTROY somany shanty towns which NEED to be destroyed the rocket willLITERALLy clena up teh citya ndteh money they amke from allowingf or te space lkaunch will gointo 3d printing new bvetter houses so bif ur shitty homeis destroyed bya job creating ROCKJET with teh EOS and Steem logos on teh side.... yeah you get a new one by elon musk.. peopel will BEG to have their city annihilated by SpaceX rockets.. untill they build PERFECt cities after that hahaha and they will... haha but unmtill that we just use the rocket as a symbol lhahaah

But the SEG Searl Effect generator THIS IS Where its at!