
I havent watched in years...... might have to change that....

It's worse it. Nine is dark so what I do to get people into it is tell them to start with doc 10 or 11.



I would like to see that. I am a fan and watch with my sons. We are watching reruns today actually. I think the modern one is made in ash. I would like to see how you get on.
We have started a woodworking community here on steemit and would welcome you. We have a discord channel, link here: Woodworking on Steem Discord Channel And a weekly woodworking post competition ,
you can read the post here

Thanks ,

I'll come take a look, I need better equipment but get a kick out of it

The trick is getting it bigger on the inside than the outside, though. What kind of wood works best for that?

There's a forest from my childhood, near the farm where I used to run and play... in the fields of galafrey. It's where the time vortex sits, where the radiation from the infinit chasm feeds the growth of sister tardis'.
I collect it there