My boyfriend πŸ’˜

in #doglog β€’ 3 years ago


This is my new boyfriend, Heimer!


Dad and mommy surprised me this Monday by taking me "for a walk" in the car.

We drove so far that I had to take a nap in the car.

Heimer was really nice, and we ended up making the trip again on the next day! It was a lot of fun! πŸ’ž

Woof, woof! πŸ’–πŸ’•β€οΈπŸ’ž

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Wow! So they are on a date!!

Good luck.

Honestly I thought this was Ninnu :D Seems we can see their kids soon!


Yes they are very similar. Heimer is somewhat bigger and darker than Ninnu though. It's a bit sad that I couldn't get them both in same frame as everything, even for us happened so quickly.

I took this photo after I had taken Ninnu back to our car. He was already wondering where his girl Ninnu had gone. As it was raining, we went inside to finish the paperworks and fees.

And on Tuesday, we got there after it had gotten dark, so I still couldn't get a photo of them.

Maybe we'll see Heimer again in a dog show or some other event.