Cloning In Humans Understanding Human Cloning.

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago (edited)

Cloning In Humans Understanding Human Cloning

Cloning is etymologically derived from the word "clone" derived from the Greek word "clone" or piece, which is intended to multiply the plant.
This word is used for 2 terms:


Cell clones which means to duplicate a number of cells from a cell that have genetically identical properties, and2. Gene or molecular clones, meaning a group of identical gene copies replicated from one gene to another.
Viewed from the way of work and its purpose, Cloning can be divided into 3 kinds:

  1. Embryonic cloning (Embrional cloning)
  2. Adult DNA cloning / reproductive cloning (reproductive cloning)
  3. Therapeutic cloning (therapeutic cloning).
    Cloning is an attempt to produce one or more individual plants or animals (whole or just part of it), which is genetically similar to that of the plant or animal.
    Cloning is a genetic make-up technique with the same genetic code as the parent, in cloned humans is done by preparing eggs that have been taken from the core and then put together with somatic cells from a body organ, then the result is implanted in the womb as well as in the baby tube.

B. Human Cloning Process
Caplan says it still takes a long time before a healthy cloned baby is born. However, Raelian groups insist they have succeeded and will later submit scientific evidence. In fact, not long after, around the first week of January 2003, the group claimed to have successfully delivered second cloned baby from a Dutch lesbian couple. However, again, there is no scientific evidence submitted in respect of the recognition for legal and personal reasons.
As for the law of cloning humans, there are individual details. Depending on how cloning is done. There are at least four ways that can be done in cloning:

Human cloning process can be explained simply as follows:
• Preparing stem cells: an initial cell that will grow into various body cells. This cell is taken from humans who want to be cloned.
• Stem cells are taken nuclei cells containing genetic information and then separated from the cell.
• Preparing the egg: a cell taken from a female volunteer then separated.
• The cell nucleus of the stem cells is implanted into the egg.
• The egg is triggered to divide and grow. After dividing (day two) into embryonic cells.
• Embryo cells that continue to divide (called a blastosis) begin to separate (day five) and ready to be implanted into the uterus.
• The embryo grows in the womb into an infant with the same genetic code as the donor stem cell.

C. Human Cloning Proofs in the Pros and Cons
Starting from the benefits and mudlaratnya of this cloning technology, clerics, political experts, legal experts and community experts need to immediately formulate the rules of use of cloning technology. Because in the hands of 'black' scientists, cloning can be a catastrophe.
A member of the Raelian group, Brigitte Boisselier says, scientific evidence will be submitted soon, if I do not submit scientific evidence, surely you say I have made up a story. So the only way is we will invite an independent expert to place the baby's parents. There he can take samples of cells from infants and mothers, to then compare them. So you will get proof.
Raelian is so far known as a religious sect that believes that life in outer space has created life on earth. The group, which received official recognition by the state government of Quebec, Canada, as a religious movement in the 1990s claimed 55,000 members worldwide, including the United States. The group has a public park called UFO land, near Montreal.

  1. Improve offspring
    Human cloning can take place in the presence of men and women and the process by taking the cells from the male body and then the cell nucleus is taken and then combined with the female eggs that have been removed essentially in order to multiply, develop, berduferensiasi then evolved into the fetus and finally born. Cloning performed on both men and women who aim to improve the quality of offspring by producing a smarter, healthier, stronger, and more beautiful offspring.
    Cloning against humans (Eve) is a success of Western scientists in exploiting science that ultimately makes a rapid advance - which has surpassed all human predictions. Imagine, this way is regarded as a way to improve the quality of offspring: more intelligent, strong, beautiful, or to multiply offspring without the need for conventional breeding process. This human cloning revolution has further strengthened Western science's dominance of human life, including Muslims. Moreover, the next effect of the development of this revolution is that its use and utilization will always be based on a particular ideology. For Muslims themselves, although scientific and scientific experiments are universal, the aspects of its use must first be adapted to the Muslim view of life.
    The first problem is related to the controversy of the "creation intervention" that human beings make on the "task of creation" which should be done by Allah SWT. And the second issue is how the position of the Shari'a faces this cloning controversy. Does the Shari'ah prohibit or otherwise justify?
    It can be said that almost all religions of the world say that humans are created through the process of meeting sperm cells and egg cells and given the spirit / soul by God on the day-X after the period of sperm entry into the egg. The doctrine of the creation of man which is further related to the birth of man in the world is central to the teachings of Religion, remembering life and death are the greatest mysteries of man since the first man inhabited the earth. From the mystery of life (human birth and death), the doctrine to carry out the command and stay away from the ban becomes the guidance for man that has been created by God through the process of meeting sperm cells and egg cells. All of that is clearly recorded in the scriptures.
    Some research institutes have managed to clone human body parts such as hands. Cloning of human body parts is done for medical needs, such as hand lost due to accident can be newly cloned, so also if there is a damaged kidney (kidney failure). And lastly, there are two cloning news that is the Italian Doctor Cloning Three Babies and Dr. Zavos Starts Human Cloning.

a. Italian Doctor Cloning Three Babies
Severino Antinori, a famous Italian gynecologist, claimed to have successfully cloned three babies at once. The controversial doctor who once helped the 63-year-old woman of menopause for childbirth revealed her success in Oggi's weekly magazine published on Wednesday (4/3).
According to him, these three babies consist of two men and one woman. They are now nine years old. "I helped give birth to all three with human cloning techniques. They were born in good health and are fine until now, "said Antinori.
b. Dr. Zavos Starts Human Cloning
Secretly, a scientist from the United States, dr. Panayiotis Zavos, clone human. To the British newspaper, Independent, Zavos claimed to successfully clone 14 human embryos, 11 of which have been planted in the womb of four women. It is not known where Zavos mekakukan cloning is because in England, where he lives, and some countries, human cloning is prohibited. Some possibility appears where Zavos cloned, among others in the Middle East or in the United States, precisely in Kentucky, the location of the clinic, or Cyprus where he was born. But four patients who became the cultivation site of cloned cells mentioned, three of whom are married women and one single woman. The four women each from Britain, the United States and an unspecified Middle East country.
However, so far Dr. Zavos has not produced results because the four women had not yet conceived even though the embryo had been planted in the womb of four women. "I understand why so far we have not gotten pregnancy from embryos that have been planted. This is because there are conditions that are not ideal that makes it not happen, "said Dr. Zavos. Going forward, Zavos plans to collaborate with Karl Illmensee who has had much experience with the cloning process since the 1980s.
For the next trial, Zavos recruited 10 young couples to become the next test object. "Many couples are interested to try this cloning process in her womb," he said.
Baby Zavos work is expected to be born in some time to come. "There is no doubt in this. Baby clones will appear. If we increase our business, we will get cloned babies in one or two years. But we do not yet know to what extent our business improvement, "said Zavos as reported by the Independent. Dr. Zavos, of course, has been criticized by scientists and considered to be against medical ethics.

C. Zavos cloned the deceased human
`Zavos does different things in cloning humans. If the scientist had done so by putting the embryo in the test tube, Zavos immediately put it in the human womb.
The man who was cloned by Zavos was three dead men. One of them is the embryo of a 10 year old boy named Cady. The child died in a car accident in the United States. Cady's blood cells have been frozen and sent to Zavos. Cady's parents agree with the terms specified if her child's embryonic cloning can be delivered safely.

D. Human Cloning Viewed from the aspect of Religion, Social-Culture, and Law in Indonesia

  1. Human cloning is viewed from Religion
    a. Islam

In the classical books have not (or maybe not) found the opinions of Islamic legal experts on the specific law of cloning. However, the method of taking the law through the ushul fiqh rules that have been used by them can be used as a guide for taking and determining future legal cases. As yet (possibly not) the discovery of the references from the earlier law books, the jurists are still debating the matter and no final agreement has been reached in the comprehensive case.
Here we will present some opinions of some contemporary Islamic jurists regarding this cloning case. This opinion is quoted from the study made by the Islamic Studies Board (Majma 'al-Buhts al-Islamiyyah), Cairo, Egypt. Cloning on plants or animals as long as it has benefits for human life then the law is mubah / halal. It is based on the principle that everything existing in the world is created for human welfare (see Surat al-Baqarah / 2: 29 and Surat al-Jatsiyah / 45: 13).

b. Christian-Catholic Religion
The Christian view of the process of human cloning can be examined in light of some biblical principles. First, humanity is created in the image of God, and is therefore unique. Genesis 1: 26-27 asserts that man is created in the image and likeness of God, and is unique in comparison with other creations.
It is clear that it is something that needs to be respected and not treated like a commodity sold or traded. Some people promote human cloning in order to create replacement organs for people who need grafting but can not find suitable donors. His thought was to take his own DNA and create a duplicate organ consisting of the DNA itself would greatly reduce the likelihood of rejection of that organ.
While this may be true, the problem of doing so is very demeaning to human life. The cloning process demands the use of human embryos; and although cells can be generated to create new organs, to obtain the necessary DNA some embryos must be switched off. In essence, cloning will "throw" many human embryos as "garbage," negating the opportunity for the embryos to grow up.
Regarding whether clones have souls, we look back at the creation of life. Genesis 2: 7 says, "Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; so man becomes a living being. "This is the image of God creating the human soul. The soul is who we are, not what we have (1 Corinthians 15:45). The question is what kind of soul will be created by human cloning? This is not a question we can answer right now.
Many people believe that life does not begin at the moment of conception with the formation of the embryo, and therefore the embryo is not really human. The Bible teaches different things. Psalm 139: 13-16 says, "For You have molded my breasts, weave me in my mother's womb. I give thanks to You because my events are awesome and wonderful; what a miraculous thing you make of it, and my soul is fully aware of it. My bones are not protected from you when I am made in a secret place, and I am recorded in the lowest parts of the earth; thy eyes shall see while I shall be a child, and in thy book are written the days that shall be established, before any of them shall be. "The writer, David, declares that he was personally known to God before he was born, his conception is man with the future and God knows him closely.

  1. Human Cloning Viewed from Socio-Culture
    Human society is the essence of the process of social interaction is a reciprocal relationship that affects individuals with individuals, individuals with groups, and a group with other groups. Social interactions made repeatedly and persist for a relatively long period of time, usually resulting in social relationships. If social relations are done in a systematic and orderly then the social relationship will be a social system. Thus, the social system is a container and process of interaction patterns so that the system has the main elements of belief, feeling, purpose, rule, position and role that includes position and rights and obligations of a person and its application in social interaction, power , sanctions and facilities. Thus, it can be said that cloning in humans at this time can be said to be unethical but did not rule out at some point later can be said ethical because of certain circumstances.

  2. Human Cloning Judging from Laws and Legislation in Indonesia
    The development of cloning science and technology caused controversy, especially with regard to human cloning. A leading issue and debate in international forums is whether the prohibition against human cloning is absolute or limited to human reproductive cloning. Human cloning is identified to address several issues, both ethical and moral issues, scientific issues, and social problems. Cloning under Marriage Law No. ! 1974 is also contradictory, since legitimate children are children born from within or as a result of legitimate marriages.


Or thoughts, leave them below, have a fantastic week. deliberators conclusion = must keep digging (pun intended).