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RE: Reptilian Survival Guide I: How To Spot a Vril Drone?

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago

Droopy eyes where one eye is lower and maybe smaller in opening than the other is one of the signs that this person has been mind controlled. Or at the very least the attempt at mind control has been done. This is usually done by electro shock therapy and the goal is to split the mind into different "alters" Crazy and complicate stuff! Great article btw.


Thanks... interesting... so you don't think all cases are through a proboscis?

Every case of this cant be (im sure some are) and many of these people have photos of themselves where the eyes are normal when they are younger and than after this MK electro therapy over time later in life one of the eyes starts to droop.

Very cool pics man! Thanks.

No problem. Its interesting and sad, that lots of very wealthy affluent people have this in there later years.