The Whistleblower's Trial: Project Pegasus

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago

Hello people.

Throughout this post I'm going to talk about Project Pegasus, a powerful technological tool the NWO people have at their disposal.

It has the power to manipulate the very essence of existence according to string theory: Vibrations in protons coming from other dimensions and complex stuff that you can research on your own (the string theory stuff I mean, the Project Pegasus will be detailed here.)

It basically has the power to manipulate time, but I didn't use that term because time is an illusion of our passing existence, and everything that is, was and will be is already there, just at different vibration levels in these parallel "dimensions" if you can call it that - everything happened and didn't happen, depending on what dimension you're at... infinite choices taken in each of these reality bubbles.

But let's get down to the specifics...

What is Project Pegasus, how does it work, why was #DonaldMarshall affected by it and why does it hinder his chances at achieving a solid age number according to me.

Here are the details, read below...

What is Project Pegasus?

I'm pretty sure all of you know what the Large Hadron Collider is.

If you don't, then let me tell you...

The Large Hadron Collider is a particle accelerator that is performing the following LCH "Experiments":

  • CMS
  • LCHb
  • LCHf
  • MoEDAL
  • And at the core of it all... Project Pegasus

Now, Project Pegasus is a tool that is mainly used for "damage control", preventing many things by reverting the current day to point zero, effectively restarting it.

This is very used when big whistleblowers come out, or when a member of the NWO Elites just says "fuck it" and reveals it all.

The day is reverted to point zero and the whistleblower is silenced. It is also used when things don't go according to the Elite's plans, but there's a catch...

...use it too much in a similar way and a black hole can appear, engulfing our whole planet and the surrounding stuff, as those singularities are known to do.

This is a dire threat not only to us but to them as well, obviously, and that's why they take this threat VERY seriously.

Well, you'd know that someone who started such a big whistleblower movement like Donald Marshall would be the target of several of these point zero "resets"... and that's exactly what happened.

He even went over it in detail... I combined everything he said with what we know and took some interesting conclusions, but for now let's talk about what happened with him.

Donald Marshall Came Out With It: They Tried to Reverse It!

Donald Marshall blew the whistle big time, and as you can imagine the Elites were none too happy about that.

They triggered the Project Pegasus particle collisions and went back to point zero of that day to ensure they could change that.

They tortured him and made him suffer, they warned him not to do that again - and left him in a really bad shape as you can expect... stuff from the Megadeth Cover all over again.

Regardless, he did it again and again until they simply gave up and let him do his thing... after all who would believe this "raging lunatic"?

They were partially right as nobody takes him too seriously... but OF COURSE not, since he cant go to the media to talk about it, or count with the support from anyone in big places as the elites DOMINATE both the Media and all the institutions with REAL power.

So, he suffered and he whistleblew for us, but he has no choice but to gather support and raise awareness starting from the bottom up, starting from the masses, and that's the phase we're at.

To be fair, we already were at a worse phase since now there are finally some influential people talking about it and some decent material is being put forward with every proof you may need.

Unfortunately, this process has costed a lot for Donald Marshall and some key people... but why?

This is where my own conclusions come into the mix.

Why I Think Donald's Longevity Will Be Short:

Now, this may get a little too complex for some, but I'll try to really make it as simple as I can, so I'll save you the science jargon and tell you in a practical way...

...the way this Project Pegasus works is by colliding different dimensions' particles.

There are an infinite number of dimensions, made up of everything that is, was, could be, can be etc... the full myriad of infinite things that "reality" is made of.

These "resets" to point zero collide these points and allow for one to re-do a time interval (roughly one day, though sometimes more than 24h, sometimes less than 24h, which messes time a bit).

Then, when that collision happens, you get off the point of the day in reality X (let's call our current reality that) and you start the day over in reality Y.

Reality Y is a dimension exactly the same as the one we're in, but with a time delay of roughly one day.

Then they proceed to alter the events of said day...

But here's the catch... protons are not as PHYSICAL as we usually think - they are like vibrations (again, string theory).

Most people will have their timelines unaltered by this event, but Donald Marshall and those involved (in this particular case in which the resets were done for him) will have their reality timeline altered, and that creates instability on the quantum mass of their own beings.

Quantum mass instability leads to sudden deaths, which has been represented for AGES since Ancient Times by the "Golden String" analogy...

According to ancient civilizations and some current spiritual leaders, we have a Golden Thread holding us down to Gaia - meaning this "living" reality... nature, or in other words all that exists.

When that thread is cut, meaning when that anchorpoint (the protons) get instable, the soul can no longer remain in the mortal realm... hence, sudden death occurs.

I'm worried that #DonaldMarshall, thanks to the Quantum changes on his own person, will suffer from this instability.

He placed himself at risk for us...

If only more people knew of this, maybe we'd stand a chance.

Share this post with people and make them see...

It's in our hands!

Stay safe, and watchful!

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