Doodleon Challenge Round 18 - My Entry

in #doodleon6 years ago (edited)

As I puzzled over what to do for this challenge - suddenly a really weird idea came to mind. What if I did a parody of the running of the bulls with laserbeam shooting unicorns? I'm not used to drawing backgrounds and scenery, so I almost ditched that idea. But given the ridiculousness of it all, I just couldn't resist. It only took FOREVER to finish as I usually just stick to drawing characters, and almost never animals (I drew a number of horses as practice before I felt comfortable starting), but it was worth it. I also made a reference to Van GoghEvdard Munch, I hope you can spot it...

Hope you all enjoy!


Here's the picture that inspired the setting:


You can find the details of the challenge here.

And of course, thanks to @opheliafu for hosting this challenge.


Hello very good participation Upvote for you! I look forward to your support

A fantastic idea and doodle- you have done an amazing job!


I couldn't find your reference to Van Gogh - but i did find one to Edvard Munch's The Scream.

Oops! Silly me. I haven't any idea why I thought that was Van Gogh's painting all this time. Thanks for pointing that out, I've corrected it! :)

Great idea!
I laugh too)))
Congratulation on the win in Doodleon - 18!

Thanks! Then I have accomplished my mission of making somebody laugh. :)
The idea behind your entry is very true - there are all kinds of things that occupy us more than they ought to, and your art is quite good!

That's right, You understood!