
Yes they did open an additional shelter with monies from the cities covid federal relief funds. There are two private shelters downtown already both operated by private entities and not the city. I am not exactly sure but I think one is founded through Salvation Army and another through churches. There is also a shelter at the Salvation Army itself where the police can take intoxicated individuals after hours if there is a need other than overnight hospitalization. I don't think the city is operating the temporary shelter as much as they paid the rent for six months to use the empty building as a shelter. It's probably operated by the other entities.

Yes people donated a heaping stack of stuff, they just drove down there and dropped off garbage bags and boxes full of stuff. I haven't read the article yet today but I heard people were mad at the commission meeting last night they removed the homeless camp. It really was a mess though, or getting to be a mess and increasing in size. Like I said the city has long had a policy that homeless can sleep in the parks but they can't erect structures so most of those people you'd drive by there in the morning would be up under the pavilion or laid out in the grass in sleeping bags. Once one person put up a tent the others followed. I wouldn't worry to much about them, like I said down there they have within a few blocks walk of each other access to two hot meals a day, medical and dental facilities, a mental health clinic, a free coffee shop with free access to washer and dryers, they've got one permanent bathroom installed already and are working on others and now they have the mobile shower unit, a large bus equipped for them to take showers. Like I also mentioned in extreme weather conditions there is an all out hunt to track down every homeless person living anywhere in the city to bring them in from outside, they open churches to use if necessary to make sure they don't freeze to death. For living the homeless life they are about as spoiled as you could spoil a homeless person.