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RE: Day 2 : I Am Alive | A New Awakening

in #dpeak4 years ago

Sorry to hear that the present circumstances were affecting you badly. Hang on in there. For this too, shall past. These are not the best of times and everyone of us are feeling some negativity from the virus that is bringing the world to her knees. Take care and keep your spirits up.


Thank you so much for your kind words. I am happy to say I am in a much better place now. Sometimes we each have to sit with those feelings & then push through. It's a very weird time right now but I do have faith things WILL get better.

I hope you are doing well & are safe & healthy. Many blessings to you and your family 🙏❤️

Thank you. I am as well as can be. 😊

Glad that you are feeling better. Yes, life goes on, come what may, and we have to push on, no matter how we feel.