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RE: Flagging (downvoting) @samswim's (and other spammers') two words spam comments. Will you help?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Oh!!! That's a very small account. By the way s/he was commenting on random posts which s/he thought was great. I actually read those posts and saw that they're great too.

@xplosive. I'm amazed that you got all the time in the world to make a post about a plankton account who comments on different posts, but last month, couldn't make any post on haejin who was draining the reward pool if you really fighting the spammers. You can't claim you didn't see posts about how haejin and co spam, farm and abuse this community.

You really wanna fight spammers, there are thousands up there that even self vote their spammed contents, accumulating thousands of dollars every month. Common!!!

I won't downvote that account. Let's not scare people outta steemit. It would have been better to tell him or her to stop what you think is spamming than to make a whole post about it, even calling people to join you downvote him/her.

Until you make a post about haejin, Bernie and other whales 🐳 🐳. I won't take you serious Cus it's hypocrisy. Thank you. Have a great weekend ahead.

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