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RE: Which do you think would go higher?

in #dpoll5 years ago

actually I was just trying to sound smart @thetimetravelerz :)

i cannot understand really what drives demand for SBD (except of bidbots) so it's hard for me to figure out how SBD could act in the future. Somehow I believe that demand for steem will be higher and it will increase steem price way faster than price of SBD would grow.

What do you think buddy?



In the long run yes but I am looking at the demand supply equation.
And SBD is far more limited in number than steem. So when a bull run happens we might see a rerun of the last bull run pattern.
Plus SBD is SB$ so when some thing has a $ associated with it the uninitiated and the novice investors might fancy that . These r the kind of people who usually get in at the top .fomo makes them get in and hold and this gives the savvy investors and the smart money to make an exit or churn their portfolios. Just my 2 cents ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your comment @thetimetravelerz

In the long run yes but I am looking at the demand supply equation.

And did you find this equation yet? :)

And SBD is far more limited in number than steem. So when a bull run happens we might see a rerun of the last bull run pattern.

In the past SBD has been popular because of upvoting bots. That's the only reason why I ever needed them. Perhaps those days are gone forever. Upvoting bots are not profitable any more (comparing to the past).

Sorry for such a late reply. Just wanted to let you know that I only had a chance to read your comment now and I appreciate you being so responsive.
