The Weekly @sndbox challenge is for us to make a poll, so here is mine.:Are you doing the #inktober challenge and if so (or not) which choice best fits you?

in #dpoll6 years ago (edited)

Are you doing the #inktober challenge and if so (or not) which choice best fits you?

  • I'm going all in, doing one every day for 31 days

  • I'm going the three a week route, I'm busy with other things too.

  • I'm doing one a week, hey at least I'll have 4 new drawings by the end

Answer the question at

What's frustrating is I was adding more answers when the ap just created this post and I went to add more question and it wouldn't let me. So, anyway, let's see if it works.


I never participated, but I‘ll go with one a week and if I can do more, then of course I‘ll do my best to use my time and try to do more:)

I will try to do more than one a week. I usually get around ten a month, but this October I start with a concert on Friday so hectic doing preparations and not returning until next Monday. thus I don't start with the initial pull of other years, so I hope to be lazy and catch back when I'm back.

That sounds good. I didn't do it last year, but this year having Steemit makes it all the more fun, though It is going to be a struggle for me to do all 31 as I have a LOT going on this month, but maybe some day they will be very simple :) I've done the first two so far anyway.

OOooh, cool feature. I voted for the first one, but it's more like a mix between answers one and two.