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RE: Marriage VS. Living Together - My 1st Poll

in #dpoll5 years ago

People divorce for tax advantages?? What???

All of the above must be evaluated with your current life situation. For example, my husband and I. I told him what I wanted in life. I told him if we were to have children, that we live in a house and get married for I do not want a relationship that screws around. I wanted something solid and serious. Marriage is a serious thing and not to be played with. So are children. I wanted to make sure that the person is just as serious about it and that love is above all. To take commitment to all that is to set it in stone. In the manner of marriage. To completely give myself to that person and vice versa.
And to find out if that is something that can be accomplished, living with that person is a must first. As that is how we learn about the significant other. We also learn if we are able to live with each other. Can we stand each other and continue to love with all the flaws included? Or can we not be able to forgive and thus not being able to move on. If not, then move out before committing to marriage and children.

Always a complicated thing.