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RE: Should Bionic human-enhancing technologies be banned?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Voted for

  • No: Humanity's future is intertwined with Technology. This is just the next step in our development.

I think I would have preferred an option for 'other' on this one. :)

I'm not much for banning anything outright, so I voted no for that reason. However, I don't feel like cyber or bionic or whatever other enhancements is where we really want to go with this, beyond maybe helping those with physical debilitations to function as normally as they can.

The problem with enhancing human beings is that it lends itself to the battlefield. We've seen advancements in a lot of technologies end up there. I really don't think we need super soldiers running around that not only have the tactical and weaponry advantage, but superstrength, endurance and whatever else, too.

We spend way less of our time pondering on the potential impact of our decisions than we do on whether we can do something or not. I think it's time we flipped that around. Just because we can, should we really do it?


Just wait until they have bionic eyes for the blind. You gonna want one. And Elons neural lace.
After that it's not long until somebody can literally breathe fire.
Overton Window at work

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey, @bluerobo.

Well, I'm not blind, so I don't think I'd need one for that, and it would seem to be a little drastic to get an upgrade just to be at 20/20 without corrective lenses. :)

I don't see myself wanting to breathe fire, either, or for that matter, to see anyone else breathe fire.

It's cool in the movies and to read in fiction, but the reality of it just doesn't translate.

Things that would keep those with disabilities within normal parameters of capabilities, though, would be great. There's going to be a cost for that, though, so how that would ultimately get paid for would be an issue, but by and large, similar to how anything new gets brought through some kind of production process.

Unfortunately, if they manage to get cybernetics going (which to some degree they already do), someone's going to want to add telescopic, night vision, x-ray and heat vision, and the next thing you know, they'll be shooting lasers from them. :) Way too many war applications, or criminal for that matter.