
Checked the post after your mention. Their proposal is a much better solution. It's also great that all those developments will happen after SMTs.

Hey, @d-zero.

Well, let's hope they happen after SMTs. We'd have SMTs by now if another development (the EIP) had waited, and I'm feeling like this deal about changing the number of weeks from thirteen to four has more pressure behind it than the EIP did. When the people with pull at Steemit get ahold of something, all of sudden stuff start happening.

So, hopefully, whoever wrote the steemitblog post is actually representing sentiment, and hopefully, those behind the push for change are at least willing to wait until after SMTs.

At this point, as far as the Steemit proposal is concerned, I can see the benefits and the drawbacks (mainly because both were discussed in the comments). My concern is, we're mixing the terms 'traders' or 'speculators with 'investor.' The first two are fairly similar and would be the ones who want their money as quickly as possible to jump from one potentially large ROI opportunity to the next. The investor, however, is supposed to believe in the project and be in it for a much longer period than even thirteen weeks.

If somehow through code Steemit Inc could guarantee that even the most clueless user could avoid losing their stake if some bad actor managed to figure out a way to get ahold of it, great. I say that as a believer that people should be solely and fully responsible for the actions. The problem is, in these cases, it would reflect badly on STEEM, and then everyone of us is affected by price, bad press, etc.

I'm happy it's no longer the nearly two years or however long it used to be. That would be an eternity. And even though you can't get all your stake all at once, your at least getting a portion of it weekly. The only other investment I've had took a week to divest, too, so it's a standard practice to have some kind of waiting time.