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RE: Does the content on trending pages have changed in the past few months?

in #dpoll5 years ago

I see. No cat content, etc. botted up means progress. :) Well, in all seriousness, it does, and I wasn't paying as much attention to the type of content as I was the bots and the authors, who seemed to be some of the same folks that people aren't happy about, with or without cats.

At any rate, I don't look at trending (unless somehow directed there), so the announcements are things I might miss, though I do have a few folks I follow who are pretty prodigious resteemers, so some of it might actually end up in my feed. Lots of things seem to be happening now that Steemit Inc is at least perceived as less dominant, so we have movers and shakers out doing more, and announcing their intentions. Whether anything comes of any of that, we'll see.

Maybe we'll find out it wasn't incompetence on the part of Steemit Inc, but that dreaming big is one thing, but bringing the dreams into reality is difficult, and not so easily maintained once it's there.

Or maybe we'll find that all the good project managers and developers and delivers of promises have been sitting out in the STEEM community all along. Who can tell? Time can, but he aint' talking yet. :)