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RE: Marriage VS. Living Together - My 1st Poll

in #dpoll5 years ago

Voted for Marriage is best..

I voted that marriage is best - although it completely depends on the individuals. Marriage creates an explicit family structure. I think the dissolution of the family has prompted most of the issues we have in the US today, so a return to making that sort of public commitment is important to me.

That being said - I don't believe a person should have to ask the State for permission to make that kind of commitment. So take my vote with a grain of salt for lack of more specific options. :-D


Well said... this is my first poll and I wanted to see what people have to say.
I agree it depends on the individuals, but it does show a commitment is there.
everything you said is in line with my thinking...thanks for your comment @mattifer

Was it difficult to create a poll? I love data.... :-)

Nope, I am addicted to it now.. I plan to do a follow-up post with fun..
What I did is go to the link for the poll and created it.. easy to figure out..then went to steemit to insert the image.

I am wondering if I can do through esteem since I like creating my post there.. not sure ... think we have to use the poll site. So fun though!

click the link and you will see other polls

Awesome. I'll check it out once I have something to make a poll about. :-)