
How does that help changing the climate of terror that most Steemians live under? Most people in here live in a constant fear of "saying anything wrong" because they might get their accounts destroyed in 5 minutes. You know that as well as I do.

I don’t fear flags at all. But then I don’t typically write about anything groundbreaking or controversial either.

Posted using Partiko iOS

That's exactly the point. As you can see, because of those flags the Steem Network has become a blog with only trivial or entertaining content: photos, art, music, food reviews, travel blogs and so on.

Political Content is hardly nonexistent.

In that case, what's the point of advertising this as a Censorship Resistant Social Network?

Is anyone really worried that a photo of a hamburger will be censored by Facebook, Twitter and the like? Really?

Is anyone preoccupied that Facebook or Google will kick them out for showing a video of the birds singing in a tree?

Selling this as a Censorship Resistant Social Network is the Ultimate Lie. We're light years away from being that. Even Facebook is ahead of us, in that matter.