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RE: What Kind Of Dpolls Do You Like?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Voted for

  • I like all kinds of dpolls, but I don't really care about their tone

I think dpoll is fantastic. I try to vote lots of different polls to help with the numbers. We use dpoll for our contest @phctop3 and it gets us some excellent results. I think it would be great to push the awareness of dpoll to more steemians because they do a great job and it is reliable. Thanks for the post.



Hey, @phctop3.

I'm glad you've been able to find a use case beyond the normal dpoll. Contests are one of the best ways, when done right, so good on you for that.

Do you think it's just awareness? I mean, people should know it exists. Maybe it's coming up with the topic and the answers? I find all of that fun, but it might not be that way for others, I guess. I think it makes it easier for people to engage with if things are pretty ready made, and the choices are actually on topic and covering the bases. I always need other as an option, though. :)

Agreed. Some people are looking for things to be organised for them and straightforward, others don't mind so much. That's definitely one of the challenges with our contest. It's fairly complex and were trying to make it as simple as possible. That's definitely a bonus of using the dpoll. So easy and clear.
