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RE: Do you believe number of followers on Steemit increases profitability of one's posts?

in #dpoll5 years ago

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  • It is not easy to answer because most of the followers on steemit are bots.

Or inactive people.
Nowadays I have 955 followers, but most of them are inactive.
They left Steemit (and the Steem blockchain) long (months) ago.
If one's followers are real, active human followers, then that can increase the profitability of their posts.
People just need to support each other, and not focus (almost exclusively/only) on their own posts.
If people would support each other, then Steemit (and the Steem blockchain) would be a good place.
But nowadays people (the majority of the users) are too greedy and selfish.
Many people are writing blog posts, but only a few people are cares about the blog posts of others.
This ruins Steemit (and the whole Steem blockchain).
The greedyness and selfishness are pushing away not just the existing users, but the potential new users as well.