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RE: How Vote Incentivization Degrades Delegated Proof of Stake

in #dpos6 years ago

Totally agree with your principles -- it would certainly be a shame, and a waste, if what we're building here starts mimicking the corrupt systems we were specifically trying to avoid.

Unfortunately it's a bit hard to precisely track payments, especially in the crypto world where round-about methods of secretly paying someone is possible. I think the best we can do at the moment is educate and inform people that, while now they can "be their own bank" and take that power back into their own hands, that power comes with the serious responsibility of which candidates they vote for to ensure the greater security of the system.


Thanks, I know I found another person I can (and will vote for ) as MY witness.

That's a shame we can't track that stuff. I guess we could at least outlaw, on here (or anywhere we may fjnd evidence of it) any published offers/suggestions or even hints that a candidate will pay, in any way, for a vote, and make that a serious flaggable offense with real consequences...

BTW...Is there any rumor that flagging will be accompanied with an ability to specifically cite the violation in question in the upcoming (or subsequent) hard forks?