A New Drawing Created in the Serbian Art Colony

in #drawing6 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemians and Steemers,

I would like to share a little drawing with you. This particular drawing was created in Serbia. I had a wonderful artist hollyday last week at the Pigmalion art colony in Serbia!
It was a great pleasure to be there, very inspiring also because of my wonderful colleges and great artists, @reinhard-schmid and @gric.

The organisers passed around a huge sketchbook for all of us each to draw on a page.

1 Zeichnung Steem.JPG

This is the book:

Buch 2.JPG

Wish you all a great day!

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It sounds like it was a mini Steemit Artists meetup at the art colony. =)

It was indeed. :D

Haha, great thought! Never occured to me until you said it 😁

Funny, considering Kathrina said you were all talking Steemit. =)

I was there last year - set the ball rolling, so to speak, since I was asked whom to recommend, and also put Gorazd up to visiting Viechtach for Magical Dreams.

I guess in modern internet parlance, that makes you a Person of Influence, or a Social Influencer. We need to clone you Otto. =)

I am a clone already!
Just got back from Croatia, but my master was too lazy to check up on the steemit messages. Now I got a lot of catching up to do!

Sounds like a lot of work between the two of you. =)

he ain't working (damn party animal), that's why he has me, his clone!

Time to seek a new master. ;-)

Ah, I see your plumb bob had returned :) It looks like it was a wonderful artists retreat, a bit jealous. What a lovely way to recharge and get ready to create more!

Yes the plumb bob returned :).
Yes it's been a wonderful week!!! I'm so glad I could participate! We had a great time together and it's been really inspiring.

this is probably the same book I drew in. It was started last year, after a suggestion by Snezana Petrovic to Gorazd to get such a book started.

It is the same book :). Your drawing was very admired!

great - by the time it is full, it will be quite a treasure

i love your style ....very deep

Thank you so much @enmaart!! :)

Cool. What was the theme or story?

There basically was no theme. The book belonges to the organizer of the art colony and every artist who is participating in the pigmalion art colony can draw something in this book. I've chosen ammonite to draw because it's simply one of my favourite themes.

You work should be appriciated nice art work hope we will see more.

Thank you so much for you kind comment @zaheerdahri!

Very lovely and delicate.

Many thanks for your kind comment @kathleenscarboro!

Beautiful drawing, like all your art. We really enjoyed the time together with you!

Thank you Reinhard! :) I've really enjoyed the time with you guys as well!!! It's been a great week, a lot of inspiration and beautiful new input!
Hope you're having a great holiday extension! :)

So beautifully done, the details are amazing!!

Thank you @hannahbrou! I saw that you've just started here. Welcome on Steemit! :)

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