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RE: Bug Milk Extraction Plant

in #drawing6 years ago

What kind of bugs are those on the tenth photo? No eyes?

You have a very good imagination about your plant. The sketches have more details than the painting - like the pipes, exhaust fan and others. Do you plan to continue the drawing or just stop at that and drop the details from the sketches?


hey macoolette ! the sketches indeed have some more details than the final painting and it irks me too ! :D i had to stop painting because of more pressing commissions i have going on atm - but i might come back to it ! you have a keen eye ! :D

Hehehe... I just happen to be a good observant when I got nothing better to so so I notice small details.

Well, I sometimes do that. I stop whatever I am doing because of something more important. Sometimes I also stop because I just feel like it. We all need a break. 😊