ned 1.jpg
Here is @ned saying goodbye to Steem a few months ago.

Since then Ned and @Steemit Inc. have been aggressively selling off there huge relative stake in Steem tokens.

The rest of this is PURE speculation on my part. I have not spoken too or received any communication from anyone in Steem Inc.

I personally think Ned decided Steemit Inc's role to be to large for Steem's best future. The fact that they are selling down in a controlled way and the multiple reports of Steemit Inc. still working actively on improvements to the block chain seems to confirm this.

I have heard they will hold around 10% of there old stake size. If that is true they still have around 25 million tokens to sell. I believe Steem's token price would not be so low if Steemit Inc. was not adding a lot of selling pressure.

@sircork has posted a few comments hinting that Steemit Inc. will be done selling sometime in Jan. - Feb.

What could all this mean? That right now might be the best time to add to your stake in steem tokens because once Steemit Inc. is done selling down there stake WHO is going to sell you there Steem token for 0.25 ish. It certainly wont be me.

How does this make @Ned crazy like a fox? Well a smaller Steemit Inc. takes the focus off of Steemit Inc. and back on the Steem block chain where it should rightly be! Even though it's painful now, a smaller piece of a huge pie is worth more $$$ than a large piece of a small pie.

I am Long Steem.

I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than Steem tokens). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. This is not financial advice just my opinions.

Best Regards,

If you are not playing SteemMonsters yet it's a fun trading card game on the Steem block chain. (If you use my link to get started I get 5% of any packs you buy to help support this channel)


I'm hoping this means that steem will begin increasing in price again in March. I'd really like to see it approach the $1.00 mark by then.

Everything goes up (in dollars) when bitcoin goes up because every coin is priced in Satoshi. Some go up even more than botcoin does, provided people want the coin for one reason or another. Steem could be one of these, Steem Monsters is fun + a lot of new projects are getting under way on Steem lately.

I got so scared when it approached $1 on the way down. It's funny to now just wish it would get back to that point. :)

If it does not fail, it will someday but all world markets are having trouble atm.

Steem will be worth $100 someday. It's the best blockchain. People just don't know it yet.