"Ghosts are hunting me and my boyfriend; does the dream reflect our relationship?" - dream interpretation

in #dreams6 years ago

Excerpt: in almost every dream we can find a connection to our daily life. As you already know, I do think that it's ok if we don't remember our dreams or not interpreting every single episode in them. However, If it happens that we do remember a dream then it means that it is important and we should pay attention to the message that it carries. I always listen to the dreamer and, like in this example, s/he has a strong feeling about the meaning of the dream, I tend to follow that direction.


Credit: Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

The dream

I woke up today remembering a dream quite clearly and it bothers me very much. I dreamed that I was in an unfamiliar place with high places, tall buildings or mountain. I and my boyfriend are hunted by ghosts and try to avoid them by climbing and hitching to the high places to hide. In my dream, my family was there and I remember talking to his mother and explaining to her that there are ghosts and something needs to be done. She calmed me and said that everything was ok.

Some background about the relationship between me and my boyfriend - we are 25 years old, two years already together and everything is fine in general until recently doubts began to surface in him. He gets confused, thinks I'm not attracted to him, something bothers him about the relationship and he feels bad about it. We're still trying to work on it and it's been very difficult for both of us.

My explanation

Since you are connecting the dream to your relationship, I will follow this line of thought. I do want to mention that every dream has many levels and numerous meanings. We usually only perceive the dream's outskirts and in a symbolic way. Also, not all dreams are related to our reality and not every dream wants to convey a message to us. But, of course, there are no coincidences. And if you dreamed that specific dream, remembered it, thought about it, and your inner voice connected it to the relationship, there must be true for you.

Therefore, the dream describes the confusion and wonder and the "cleansing" that your relationship is going through. As in most marital relationships comes the moment when important questions arise that require making a choice. The reason your boyfriend feels that you are not attracted to him may indicate two things. First, plainly, he feels insecure in your relationship. Secondly, he is the one who is not attracted to you and tries to convey this message without hurting you. In your dream, you experience the doubts and anxieties (= ghosts) and ask for help (= the boyfriend's mother which represents a more mature part of you). You get the confirmation that everything is all right and you just need to ease your stress and worries.


Credit: Photo by freestocks.org from Pexels

I see the dream as an optimistic one. It is true that his doubts about you are very troubling, but in parallel to your inner "work", you better develop a firm and confident inner position that everything is fine. This confidence in yourself will bring you to safety. I think that's exactly what the dream wants to convey to you.

Now, allow me to be clear. When your soul-self reassured you that everything would be ok it does not necessarily mean that your relationship will last and you two will be together forever. It means that you, as a person, as a soul being, will triumph. It means that the experience that you are going through right now is for your own long-term growth on this physical plane.

From the soul perspective, these are the issues that matter and not the human's needs.

I know, it's distressing, and you, being a young lady with her fantasies, aspirations and romantic dreams desire their fulfillment, but deep inside there are much grander dreams that await you.

And you are on the right path to fulfill them, even if this journey is shaky and windy, as your dream shows.

Good Luck!



I have dreams some I remember some I don't maybe I should ask you? But nothing about the love life or relationships, mostly about finances when I worry I dream that everything will be ok???hmmm

You see, your dreams are wise. They go into the future and bring you the truth. So you can relax and release the worries 🙂

oh wow I do hope so thanks!

I appreciate with you @nomad-magus..
I think "When she/he thought about the break up and feared with it,,There appeared many question,,then this kind of illusion is appeared on dream..That's the main cause i think!!!
Silly too, man!!!

Fear is the brain's reaction to a stimulus where chemicals are released that raise the heart rate. Learn about fear and the different fear responses..so we should alert ,,

Indeed. Good point

The reason your boyfriend feels you're not attracted to him may indicate two things. First, he clearly feels insecure in his relationship. Secondly, he is the one who is not attracted to you and tries to convey this message without hurting you.

This quote remained in my mind, I have been trying to think because human beings are not clear, worse still, because trying to make another person feel guilty.... I think this situation persecutes me, I often go through situations where they make me believe that I am the culprit and even hurt my feelings, this has caused a lot of confusion in me, but deep down, I always felt it was a tactic to heal myself of guilt! Thank you for making it clear to me that there are people like that.

I would like to know if there is a way I can send you a personal situation and if I can count on your guidance?

You may write to me: [email protected]
You can indeed count on my most genuine reply which, as you already came to learn, will aim to evoke the master in you 🙂

I am learning in your dream interpretations @nomad-magus. Remembering my dream now when I wake is a lighter feeling since I bring the happiness in my wake state and it gives me a satisfying feeling, it brings out the positivity in my life more. Thank you so much @nomad-magus for helping me. :) ♥

🙏Very glad to hear.
Your master self is even happier now!
Thanks for sharing this.

How funny!!!
Ghost is an illusion..
I think there have no problem,,

Dreaming about ghost, its the real. In past I often have a bad dream with somekind of ghost that have so many interpretation. But now, since I learn how to be a better sleep like my religion teach me. Always pray before you sleep and always call the name of God when you close your eyes until you sleep. I have a better sleep without a scream dream. Thanks for sharing Sir @nomad-magus

Very nice lines to which everybody should because everyone in the world is involved in such situations means dreams..
Dreams are imoprtants in our life because sometimes they provide inspiration related to different aspects..
Dreams are good imagine they help us to achieve our goals..

And even manifest!

I can't doubt the fact that your dream has something to do with your relationship, and I'm happy you could relate it yourself.

But, I see the trouble you are having in your relationship to be beyond just physical, like your boyfriend mother tried to calm you in the dream, that's all you need to see to the end of what the matter is

When you started out, you were both attracted to each other, why not now again? Stay calm and you will come out victoriously.

Thanks @nomad-magus for your beautiful interpretations

When you started out, you were both attracted to each other, why not now again? Stay calm and you will come out victoriously.

Indeed, wise advice.
though not easy to follow

A dream chased a ghost!!
This is one of the most common dreams experienced by many people. Especially when we sleep with a sense of dismay with a problem of either a love affair and others, so that makes us tough to forget the feeling. Not because of anxious fear of being chased, but you're feeling the anxiety of a problem that is going on in the relationship. These dreams help us to understand that we cannot deal with something in our lives, so we need other people's help to finish it.
Thanks My teacher

These dreams help us to understand that we cannot deal with something in our lives, so we need other people's help to finish it.

or the help of our soul-self

Its such a very accurate interpretation that is well endowed with wisdom and great advise to that young lady.

Indeed dreams that we humans tend to dream at some point and keep remembering them on some other point; these indeed carry a message for us that can impact the course of our lives. Therefore, they ought not to be neglected.

Dreams that stick in our minds affect our thoughts and there is power in thinking whereby a man's thinking is naturally reflected in the way he lives.

Thanks so much @nomad-magus for this dream interpretation.

People may come to you for advice about things, or you will see them troubled, for no apparent reasons. And actually they had a nightmare! The best advice, like you said, is to release it and not allow the thoughts to bother.👍

everything will be fine it is just a passage of time my friend

According to some believe,, Spirit do fall in love with normal being, and if this happens, such spirit will be jealous with the physical partner you have in relationship.
But prayer can do the undoable.
For me I don't consider ghost hunting me in dream as any big deal. It's Just dream.

such spirit will be jealous

I guess earth-bound spiritts are like that

Nice Post. give wise explanation and make everyone can accept it.

dreams are psychological images and occur below our conscious threshold. there are several factors that cause a person to dream. if the body is tired and the mind is chaotic we often dream of running chased by ghosts. That's to give a picture that our soul and body are "sick" so that when we wake up physically feels very tired. as for the picture that gives a positive effect that gives more hope tub. this hope can be symbolized by catching animals such as birds, fish or other animals.

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