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RE: Sanctuary

in #dreem-wotw2 years ago

I understand. Growing up in a place you were supposed to call home only for it to be filled with turbulence as a result of parents who hasn't made peace with their past. Yet, moved on to bring children to wander around in the chaos that they created.

And when it was time to create your own home, you find out that you have a distorted version of what home should be like as a result of your past .

But I am happy that you are progressing, and you are trying as much as you can to make peace with yourself, and create the home you truly desire.

And I accept. Home is a feeling.

Thanks for sharing your journey with us. 💕💕


AH... Iska.

Thank you for your understanding and the time you took to connect here :)

And for sharing a part of your journey with me ❤️