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RE: Sanctuary

in #dreem-wotw2 years ago

Home most definitely is a feeling as far as I am concerned and home is wherever I lay my head. Family well what do they say we can't choose our family, yet people I have chosen over the years are more my real family.
Eat some more jam and toast and I hope that you are back to normal Nicky!


Soul family I call them. :)

Well... show me normal and I'll give you a dollar but almost nearly there...

Thanks @tengolotodo 😊🌻

normal just means not bad , I prefer good, so heck I am good!
I would rather a pound, how about a pound of dollars, I wonder how many dollars would that be, the bills not coins of course!
And the sun has gone down the swanney and come back as a wee moon!
Keep smiling Nicky, you know Monday is power up day ....

You guys make me smile :)

Okay... readying to power up! 💥

woohoo times 2!
don't forget to read the rules etc and make your post with#HivePUD tag ....

Er... now lost... I'll dig around but maybe send link to the rules please :/

You know me and admin by now I'm guessing!

haha yes, check my post it has the links in there let me see

Copy that. Roger. Over and out and (of course)

I'll be back... *with Arnie voice of course.

Also. Thanks! 😊