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RE: Beware of Tangling With Me

in #dreemer3 years ago

I had to look up and refresh my memory how to do the HTML code for that.

I'm in a rural area so things are mostly good. Ontario has had some rough points but the vaccinations are progressing well.


Especially, in France.... I kid I kid. I'd rather not get too far in that conversation.

Anyways, pretty impressive that you still HTML code as well as exploring aspects of technology most kids don't even explore.
This program looks pretty cool and I can see it providing stress relief to people with PTSD.

I'm definitely not a kid ... more likely your elder LOL.

I started out designing websites writing the HTML code. It's handy knowing it and some CSS.

Tangling definitely can contribute to relaxation and stress relief. I eventually think I'll be incorporating it into one or more of my coloring book designs.

That was a strange and more stern response than needed in my opinion. I was giving you a nod to your pioneering ways and how you are still more technologically savvy than most kids even as a elder. Its like you forgot that I already know who you are and all of our conversations.
Oh well at any rate have a good rest of your day.

I think you read a lot more into my response than is there. Knowing me, you also would remember that I do find things like age humourous thus the LOL was exactly that.