Building an army in DrugWars is...

in #drugwars6 years ago (edited)

...completely useless. It doesn't matter if your army is worth 10, 50 or 100 million resources, there will always be players that has stronger army and will destroy you anytime they want even if it's not worth it for them to do so - just like player govinda71 destroyed mine today.

I would have to spend a whole month of my current resources production to create this army again. I am not going to do that. Honestly the only reason I had an army at all is because when the DWD token was released everything was really cheap if it was paid with the DWD tokens.

The DWD prices were just too good so they changed them and currently I feel it's better to not use them. There will be staking of DWD tokens in the future so I think it does make sense to wait for it. Waiting is still better than buying an army with them and having it destroyed just like that. I made a post about this previously, but nothing really changed. It's an early access game so even this problem will be resolved someday - maybe!

In short, if you are not going to buy or create the biggest army in the game then just don't do it all.

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Terrible !! Muy bueno!

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Yes, but what about the function of your army for attacking other players and then using the booty to upgrade your production capacity to then earn more DWD? Isn't this an important function of the battle units?

I would say the attacker made profit in this case. He should have got DWD for reducing population plus 1.5 mil drugs he stole from you. And lost only 1% or less of his army...
But in general I agree with you - buying army or anything else is a no go

Posted using Partiko Android

This is why I am only adding storage, growing resources, and sending drugs to the heist if I have any excess daily. Maybe this will all pay off one day. I built two armies and both were wiped out. No reason to even try.

When I figure out how to do it, I will stake my small amount of DWD tokens too.