The Return of Christ - Audio Sermon by Bishop Corey DeFrancesco

in #dsound6 years ago (edited)

This sermon is a quick explanation of the true meaning of Matthew 24:27-28, and the events surrounding the return of Christ. Enjoy!

Hello, my name is Corey and I am a Bishop of the Ecumenical Order of Christ. Today I would like to speak briefly on a topic that you’ve probably heard overly-quoted many times before. What I am referring to is Matthew 24:27-28.

Verse 27 tells us that “As lightning cometh from East to West, so too shall the coming of the Son of Man be”.

Now, what exactly does that mean? Quite simply, this scripture is revealing to us the fact that when the Son of God would return to earth, he would come in a direction initially from the East, and then he would travel West. ----- And that’s exactly what happened.

January 28th, 2011 – The Holy Spirit of Christ descended from the Heavens above the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, hovered there for a brief period of time, and then shot back up to the heavens in a flash like lightning.

What happened next? Well, it would be difficult to discern if you were one of the hundreds or thousands of witnesses in Jerusalem that day, but I can definitively tell you that the Holy Spirit traveled to the West – Specifically, to North America – to merge with the Son of Man… Raymond Howard Lear, and thus becoming Lord RayEl.

But that wasn’t the only hint. The very next verse, Matthew 24:28, informs us that “Wherever the carcass is, there too shall the eagles be gathered”.

This may sound quite cryptic to some, but if you understand that the translation of “carcass” can also be interpreted as “body”, depending on the translation, then this passage suddenly makes a whole lot more sense.
Where exactly did this holy fusion occur in North America? In the land where “the Eagles Gathered”, the zone between El Paso Texas and Cuidad Juarez, Mexico. Now, if you study any map of the area, you would learn that this area is known as an International zone connecting the USA and Mexico.

If one delves even further, they might make the connection that the Bird associated with America is the Bald Eagle – The nations proud symbol of strength and freedom, along with the National bird of Mexico - The Golden Eagle, representing bravery and honor.

So in these two passages alone, we learn exactly where and how the Holy Spirit of Christ would return to this planet. And on January 28th, 2011 … these exact prophecies were fulfilled.

The Son of God has arrived, and his name is Lord RayEl.

So… what will you do about it?

Please post your comments in the replies section below.
May the blessings of our Lord shine upon you.

Bishop Corey DeFrancesco

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Until next time.

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Today is 7years anniversary!!!!!May GOD bless you all in the LORD RAYELS name !!!!AMEN


Thank God, it is almost over

Nice sermon!