
sounds great is this your band?

Yes, it is (was) & you know that. 👅
You don't have to pretend not to know me here. 😎

I will post some photos if you wish?
I just didn't want any groupies to be up set. lol

Sure go ahead.
No funny faces though 😜

ok will work on that tomorrow

The first 30 seconds are just classic rock n roll - love it.

Am I wrong in thinking the vocals sound a little Bowie-esque?

Cheers @steveblucher,
Yes, the aim when we wrote What's Goin' On was to write a straight up classic style rock song.
I don't recall ever being compared to Bowie before, but I'll take that as a compliment and you're not wrong to think anything.
Rock on.

I can't remember the song, but it just sounded like him. I might have even got Bowie wrong, but you reminded me of someone. Either way, it was great.