Friday Night Frights #16 Podcast - The Haunting of Hill House (2018) Review

in #dsound6 years ago (edited)

Hi and welcome to Friday Night Frights - a new podcast about horror movies and things that go bump in the night.

Here at our place it is already an unwritten rule - Every Friday Night, to wind down from the busy week, we get together and watch a horror movie over some frozen pizza and icecream. Here I will discuss the movie of the week - and what I thought about it. I will let you know if I jumped, trembled... or if I just snoozed.

This week we will do something a little different - we are going to review an horror series you can watch on Netflix - and that was an amazing surprise. You might even binge on it for a couple of evenings like we did - so in a way it is a really large movie of sorts.

We are going to talk about The Haunting of Hill House.

To listen to the podcast - and find out how we have rated it - just click the image above!

Thanks for listening and stay tuned for the next episode - until then, if you hear something go bump in the night - just bump the hell away from it!

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That sounds good, I'm waiting for new ones. thanks