
Wow... Through lyrics,I could feel the music within you.

Yours Reader

This post has been voted on from MSP3K courtesy of @Amberyooper from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

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Well, that was pretty cool! I like the tremolo sound effect on the guitar. :-)

Just passing by, listening, and leaving a couple of these for you.

<3 <3.

Wow. Tammy would be really proud of you here! Beautiful.

very glad your posted it, its great song, great vocals as always

very special voice. i like!!

Hey! Just swinging by to tell you that you've been featured in our Sunday Collections!

I'm glad you finally posted it - I don't think your voice was awkward at all! Beautiful sound, as always. 😊

Great song. Good letters and a beautiful voice :)