Secessionist Movements are on the Rise (It's Happening)

in #dtube7 years ago

Catalonia, Kurdistan, Roger Ver's Bitcoin Nation, and more. The idea of self-determination and independence is becoming more and more popular. We live in exciting times.


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The problem with Kurditan is that it is not a State, has no territory or borders. Syria is Syria, Iraq has defined its territory and Turkey, the same.

And it seems difficult that they delivered territory to form a country, and more, if it is rich in oil and is where they get the highest income of these countries.

The Kurds actually have a semi-autonomous region in northern Iraq, and are trying to secede peacefully. The international community has mostly remained neutral, or pro-Iraq though, which has made it difficult for the Kurds, but a lot of forgeign leaders have also expressed their interest in seeing peaceful negotiations between Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan.