
in #dtube6 years ago

Recently I use DTube and attempt to upload videos to DTube. However, There are several point that you should pay attention to. By reading my articles, I am sure you could avoid those annoying problems.


  • For the first time you log in, you should input your name and keyword. The keyword is not the keyword that you use to log in steemit, but the keyword that is hided in your wallet—>permissions—>the first alphabetic string line in your posting. That is the right keyword for DTube.

  • 在首次登入时,需要输入登陆密码。注意这里要输入的密码不是steemit登陆密码,而是需要到你的wallet中寻找。点开wallet的permissions,posting里第一个二维码右侧的一串字符就是DTube的登录所需密码。(为了个人帐号安全,我没有放置截图于此,见谅)

  • When you try to upload videos on DTube, you'd better use google chrome. Do not use IE or safari. Why? You could have a try and you will find out that you can upload your video successfully in one time with google chrome and with numerous time with IE and safari.

  • 成功登录到DTube还不能高兴得太早。上传视频是一个难题。最开始我用Safari浏览器上传时,就总会遇到提示出现IPFS错误,始终让人不能成功上传视频。经过@susanli3769@angelina6688的文章“我的Dtube血泪史!左右手互搏大概说的就是我了!?”的评论提醒后,使用Google Chrome浏览器上传,实测一次成功。所以用DTube,还是优先选择Chrome比较省心。

Summary: After I finish my first post on DTube, I've got 17 dollars. Thanks DTube, I will upload more videos and try to get more awards.

总结:在我把我的第一个画作视频“The new painting:gakki新垣结衣”上传到DTube后,现在已获得17+刀奖励。这激发了我创作更多作品的欲望。如果你也有有趣的视频,欢迎上传到DTube上,一起把DTube做大做强!


cipaul!! Thank you, your Post. i upvoted.^^
