
My understanding is that you need to have the Ether address that holds the coins at the time of the snapshot, around 23 hours after the crowd sale ends if I recall, registered. There are instructions on

Alternatively I expect any coins sitting on a reputable exchange will be converted for you.

It would be amazing if the OPEN.EOS sitting in a Bitshares account would automatically convert. Can anyone confirm that?

I would hope so but I don't really use Bitshares very much. So maybe someone with more knowledge can chime in.

Okay I will check it out on thanks.

EOS Tokens purchased on an exchange do need to be registered. Mine are registered. You need to use MEW or Metamask. I put mine in MEW then registered my wallet. You need ETH to register your wallet. Actually my BF did it for me but I think that's how it was done.

Okay cool thanks I have done it now with Metamask thank you.

I believe that you need to register both the ones you purchased through the crowd sale and ones traded for on an exchange.

Okay cool thanks.