
Avoid the Youtube drama... its filled with trolls who truly have nothing better to do then to try and ruin someone's day. Indulging them just fuels them to continue. Its just a waste of time and energy that could be spent in much better ways.

@geofftk I feel like the trolling has gotten a little better since they forced people to use their real names/google+ accounts. Either way, the fact that people have 1000+ comment threads and their upvotes aren't making them any ///money/// or anything off their verbal diarrhea just seems silly once you're on steemit. haha

Upvote me @geofftk please sir

Please refer to this article:

Asking me to upvote you is a sure fire way to guarantee I will NOT upvote you. Contribute something meaningful, be part of the community... that's the best way to get upvotes. Not begging. works like a charm!

Hmm.... Maybe both?

haha why not, right?

I feel like using youtube can still be a great way to keep showing people Steemit that have not seen it before and not try and close of a door that may lead to more users joining us here. Start offering exclusive content maybe here over on Steemit making people want to jump over to see things before it comes onto Youtube or see things that are not there.

@davidpakman I've been wondering the same thing, albeit with Instagram rather than YouTube. While Instagram was a great platform for me to build a following and release content for about a year, the recent changes to the algorithm and the overall pettiness of people on there (it seriously feels like high school but worse), coupled with Facebook's increasing crackdowns on Instagram business that doesn't directly benefit them, makes Steemit look SO MUCH MORE APPEALING. Really the issue here is with the overall new-ness of the platform. It still has quite a significant learning curve compared to the major-league social platforms, and not a lot of people on it (broadly speaking).

Also forgive the unrequested advice, but when posting DTube videos I usually like to go back in and edit the post on Steemit to include a YouTube link as well (like I did in this blog post for a song I released a while back.) DTube is a young service and still often drops out/takes ages to buffer, so I find that people like to have a YouTube backup link in case the DTube stream is struggling.

I like your channel a lot. I do think that political discussions will attract some negative attention. I cringe on any political discussion with SteemIt because I'd rather we try to unite around the cause of making a platform open to different ideas and expression and even though we all should have the maturity to act this way with politics, most do not right now.

Either way, I'm fine with upvoting content I disagree with, but many won't. As for YouTube, the whole platform is devolving into a platform for people with only some opinions. I don't see a good future for it, if it continues down the trend.

Have you used LBRY? It's a YouTube competitor.

Please don't, please stay the course. I started watching you because you stay calm, present clear concise facts and opinions w/o the drama. There are so few places to go w/o the crazy hyper frenzy drama, so please stay out of their wacko world. :)

fair point!

I know people say that YouTube drama is "filled with trolls," but I feel like it's really important to have cogent progressive voices to balance out the usual alt-right/conservative tildrum that, in my mind, dominates the very kinds of discourses where David's voice would be most useful.

I don't think Pakman needs to chase drama, per se, but certainly participating in debates hosted by other popular youtube personalities would be a plus. Another way to go about doing it is to respond to the videos which bill themselves as "response videos" or critiques which are often nothing more than largely illogical name-calling diatribes. Their bread and butter is misrepresentation and logical fallacy - David would be almost uniquely suited to refuting them!



You know, one of the biggest dislikes of your show is how PC and rigid it is, so when I say this you should know that I'm if anything biased against you here:

Don't even give these punks the time of day. They are not serious people, and the only attention you'll get is from a horde of braying sheeple that won't listen to a word you say.

I used to find Sargon respectable, and I think I will again (he fell down a rightwing echo chamber IMHO), Andy is not the kind of person I'd bother with but I'd politely decline, and Richard? HAH. No. His mere presence dispels any interest I'd have. The only reason to bring that gorilla into the ring is because you're running a circus.

You made the right call. If I were you I might troll them a bit, but not much.

our show is PC and rigid? that's a big dislike? according to who?

That was a typo. I meant to say for my tastes.

And you said 'the 'S' word' instead of 'shit', for example... although I was shocked in this video when you called a debate 'an abortion'. Not that I'm offended, but that's way out of line of the previous 'won't say the word 'shit''.

But uh... you might want to reconsider using that word. I'm sure it's as offensive as cursing to people who care about that.

But yeah your production's like daytime TV; and the current zeitgeist is all straight talk all the time... being the era of Trump and all.

Don't get me wrong, everyone on the show seems great, and I'm sure we'd get along, but it's not my favourite media stylistically.

Also do you do Q&A's? I started watching you like only a month ago.

If Steemit grows bigger there'll be drama on it too.

Haha yeah I can't wait!

I’m completely over the YouTube drama, I have found over the past few months I dislike going there, and since I’ve dived headlong into Steemit, I haven’t watched anything on YouTube the site at all.
I’d definitely try to stay away from the drama, and when it comes up, just plug Steemit as an alternative, eventually people will jump ship and learn to be independent of Alphabet/google.

This is exactly the kind of organic trend indicator that will turn the tide away from the rotting centralized platforms.

I couldn’t agree more.

This is a very poignant question because it elucidates the problem with platforms like YouTube versus a reputation based incentivized platform that dictates human behavior.

Just found you on steemit from your destiny youtube-drama stream!

The rewards in Steem Power and SBD that you are racking up should probably answer this question for you, no?

Good post thank infonya your information


Very cool and beautiful. Thank you for this publication

Please refrain from leaving such repetitive and inane comments. This is a good way to get yourself flagged, which will destroy your account reputation. You've commented this same line at least 15 times in the last few days, and just "Nice" even more so. Don't waste your time and everyone else's doing this; it'll only hurt you and the entire community in the long run.

The saying to do the right thing at the right time so it wont be too late, and u run out of time at the wrong, the time used dedicated to other things that wont make any impact, can also be used in steemit that will give u so many benefit, network marketing is the best and more beneficial, give steemit your all

If you have as much views on Steemit/Dtube as on Youtube where would you make more money?

Avoid the drama at all costs in this place and get your content to the 99% of people not having it. Not to mention the wider world beyond here. Stay out of chats too. Don't say anything you would not want your grandma to hear.

Just thank God for this opportunity to have the Alexa ranking and keep your head down.

As a professional shit talker on you-tube I say put as much misinformation and total nonsense on u-tube as possible.
I don't pull any punches here and I think that's good but steemit and dtube provide an honest platform where reality unfolds naturally. The level of manipulation, bias and out rite censorship in the google-tube realm is on it's way out. Let's fuck with them before they go!

I think we should focus on only thing. i.e Steemit . This is the time to contribute in this community.

I think no problems, because together is good for all.😁

Ditch these time vampires.

Who needs money, fame, freedom and success on steemit and Dtube when you can be a censored slave on Youtube and Facebook? ;) lmao

haha, yeah EXACTLY

I am personally tired of the childish YouTube Drama. Ever since discovering steemit, I have been focused on it the most. That's my honest opinion.

this is really a informative news.i like this post..
i obsurve your topics..
thanks a lot..

Me prefer steemit, because is great platform and more fun to get some talented

generally speaking I'd say avoid youtube drama. It's just an unending soap opera which seems to have very little consequence.

This post has received gratitude of 3.62 % from @appreciator thanks to: @davidpakman.

do whats best for u lol

this is very informative.
follow @de-treasure

haha that's one way to look at it