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RE: [Acid Plays] World of Warcraft - Demon Hunter Starting Zone [Part 1]

in #dtube6 years ago

I had some expectations that it was going to be an excellent class, emboldened by a great race. I can just say this.

In my many years of playing WoW this class has far exceeded my most wild expectations. From the creation screen, to the beginning zone, the the quest handling, to the look and feel of the character the first thirty minutes of game play has been superior. Almost indescribable.

I had a crowd of my children and grand children around me watching the setup my Demon Hunter. Then the cut scene for the entry into the new zone. Then playing the character. There were many "Ohhhhs" and "Wows!!!", as I executed my first double jump.

As an aside I spent 15 minutes just running up and down the beginning hill doing the double jump and the executing Fel Rush. I recommend it to any player rolling a Demon Hunter.

"You... were not prepared. The enemy came into our world, their only desire to extinguish all life. They slaughtered our loved ones. They razed our homes, our cities, and our sacred places. You tried to stop them... and you failed. And so you came to me, nothing remaining of you but rage and determination, and you learned that the things that once tormented you could give you power. Now you see that there is no sacrifice too great if it brings an end to the Burning Legion."
— Illidan Stormrage