
Having trouble watching it on Dtube...

BCH going to 8 MB blocks is at best a short term solution to the scaling issue. This video explains why off chain scaling is better for privacy:

Nevertheless we should watch for Bilderberg and Wall St fuckery. As long as the code is still open source and centralization is avoided, in the long term bitcoin will survive.

i agree with you and its good comments @zoidsoft

He says we made a mistake by not introducing privacy etc. on the base layer of the internet. Now he suggests we does the same with Bitcoin. It doesn't make sense.

Andreas said "I hope" we don't make the same mistake. Not the same thing.

Why is he advocating doing it on Lightning instead of the blockchain then? Am I missing something?

Well for one thing the blockchain compromises privacy and if LN works it will be many times faster than blockchain. The way LN works is by using the blockchain as a court system. Just as it is the case that not every issue goes to court, so too will it be unnecessary to send every transaction to the blockchain which will increase both speed and privacy.

Yeah I agree. But I think we should still keep on-chain transactions cheap.

The fewer transactions on the block, the cheaper they will be. I think it's unlikely that we'll still have 1 MB blocks post 2020.

Yeah buddy! Next step $9 K !

next stop $1 mil or the moon. i wish i had just one BTC sigh, to expensive for my blood

Buy small $10.00 increments of bitcoin. Then sell some of it and buy something cheaper like Ethereum, Ripple, Monaro, Litecoin, etc....

actually thats not a bad idea, i used to buy about $250/month of BTC but I stopped cuz i have no job now, and only make a few hundred $$ on the market every few days

Since I know you like raps here is a music video on Bytecoin you may want to check out:


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Thank Jeff for give us some watching it on Dtube.... Looking forward to there will be interesting publication :)

Yay, mainstream adoption. This is how Bitcoin continues it's consistent rise!

Amazing to see bitcoin hitting these new highs. I hope we are gonna see a $20,000+ or higher bitcoin price by this time next year :)

Awesome stuff.. If the link doesn't work just refresh and it should be good!

Yes! stuff.. it should be good steemit

Bitcoin is expensive now!

According to survey many big bitcoin holder will “hodl” until bitcoin reach $190,000

where do you think btg is going to go after the slump this week

Yeah man... it really has been a crazy run up, considering the fact that only 4 days ago it was trading at around 5600$ . This is insane time to be in crypto.

folow tony vays in twitter, is a good econimist, very smart

Thanks Jeff! It took Bitcoin a whopping 2 days an 2 hrs to move from $7k to $8k!! new record...

Get in here already wallstreet I have a feeling most will jump in 2018 just because of taxes and confusion it does not make sense from that stand point to get involved till next year.

Nice news, thanks for sharing @dollarvigilante!

...and i am still waiting for some big drop in btc to buy some...!!!Any clue?😀

keep waiting...without a doubt there will be some big drama soon again (like there is every two weeks or so!)
...china will ban miners or something like that...prepare your money and WAIT

I am keeping a close eye for that...Fiat is just ready to get divorced. Only waiting for Jus a nod.

I really hope you all read this article. To close the door to the BIG BANKERS depends on us. Let's stop the monopolization of BITCOIN:

the thought of bitcoin being sabotaged by the CME group did come into my mind, but your the first person to articulate that. It could go either way.

Oh my Godness..... Thats really a great for all i think.

yeaaaah its come to near
thank you for sharing

واہ جی واہ بڑی دیمانڈ ھے

that is great news

Nice news
I am not able to upload video on dtube can anyone help me
It says " this file is not video"

Bitcoin continues to reach new all-time highs... I don't think we are going stop seeing this for quite some time and it's got me extremely excited!!! No Stopping Bitcoin! Long Live Crypto & Happy Steemit! :)

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I couldn't understand it..can u explain it to me??

Good job man ;)

I'm betting 10k for Santa coming...

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когда вы вкладываете в биткоин, вы пьете валерьянку?

Next stop, $9K!

wow nice post. .
you like and coment back me..

You mean REAL Bitcoin, not BTrash.

Hello Mr Bezwick, I was watching your 4 video series on Nationless banking and for some reason vid 4 would not load....can you repost it?

excellent post

this is awesome