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RE: Is There a Difference Between "the Left" and "the Right"?

in #dtube4 years ago

I'm not entirely sure if this is a joke, if you're just agreeing with my video in a slightly odd way, or what? Thanks for dropping in though, I'll check out some of your videos, your account description seems like I might enjoy your content.


Partial mockery and baiting a discussion ;) Let's exchange ideas!

I'm always open for discussion, not sure what the mockery had to do with my post/content/self.

What are you feeling most excited to present, challenge, ask, explore?

How can you reconcile labeling anarchism as authoritarian?

The only way that I could see reconciling those two things as the same would be if the authority was given 100% consensually.

For example, if a group of [anarchist] people was in a position where they had to get something done, and there was only 1 person in the group that had expertise. The others aren't just experts/skilled, they're actively BAD at the thing that needs to be done. That group of people could all agree that the one person who knows what they're doing gets to make all the rules and tell people what to do until that project is completed.

Another example would be anarchists who are into BDSM. In their sexual relationships/interactions they would certainly be entering into consensual authoritarianism.

That's a fun area to think about, used to be something I had a lot of difficulty with, but getting to know some people who are very into BDSM, and also total anarchists, really opened my mind to some ways that anarchy can look that didn't line up with my own vision of it.

Are you asking the question because I accidentally switched "anarchist" & "authoritarian" when I was talking about the two-axis political spectrum in this video? I'll have to re-watch it now.