Backyard Aquaponics Walkthrough

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

Nice man, I'm jealous of those cone tanks! But, yes water without solids is 8lbs a gallon so definitely needs some serious reinforcement.

I've yet to have an issue with solids in my media beds, but I did have a guppy kill of in my DWC from too much anaerobic sludge. For now I just scoop it out manually and use it as a, fertilizer on my dirt plants..

Did you say BT as in the Monterey product? OMRI certified I believe? I've never really sprayed my many pests I just have a never ending war with them lol..

Now that it's fall what's the plan? Greenhouse I believe you said right? And you have tilapia correct?

Roll Tide! It makes me cringe to write that BTW

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah there are definitely multiple ways of setting up a system. This is a method that I've found to be less maintenance in comparison to the chop and flip method. Yeah check it out this product is the one I'm using to help get rid of the horn worm. I do need to hustle on the greenhouse and a solar water heater set up before winter. Otherwise I'll lose everything. Yep Blue Nile tilapia is my fish of choice. My buddy Robbie hooked me up with some. Haha thanks I know that was hard RTR!

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome, love the setup.
There is always stuff that wants to be built! :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @clm you're right about that! The projects are never ending.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's good to see your aquaponics system up and running.

Thanks Amber! I appreciate you checking out the post. I still have some more too add but it's most of the way there.

Posted using Partiko Android

Right now, today, I am physically unable to accomplish this, but it is still rewarding to see projects like this. The wife gardens and I help when I can, but this is something I can only dream of.

Thanks. I have upvoted and resteemed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @plemmons sucks to hear man, I know there are some folks with aquaponics kits ready to go that you can buy. I'm working with a buddy to start hosting real life workshops yo teach others how to build smaller systems for urban and suburban backyards with the hope they can help their communities and start up a small business teaching or building the systems themselves. Thank you again for spreading the information and liking the post!

Posted using Partiko Android

Fortunately, it would be mostly a hobby. And I certainly have that covered right here. I am retired, not disabled, but my back pain is my reason for retirement. Still, I enjoy reading about others projects and who knows, I may be able to set up my own someday. I think the most pleasure is in research and I am "fully involved". I will try to keep up and support you as well.

Posted using Partiko Android

Howdy sir makinstuff! That's such a great system you built there. Plus you have a fantastic beard! lol. I wish mine was that thick.

Why thank ya good sir, haha yeah it's been growing for quite a while. One of my buddies used to joke and tell his daughter their was a bird in my beard.

Posted using Partiko Android

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