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RE: Will "Steemit 2.0" (MEOS?) Destroy Steemit?

in #dtube5 years ago

Writing this before I watch the video.

I've signed up for a lot of the blogging platforms that are decentralized or claim to be on the blockchain. STEEM, WLS, GOLOS, hyperspace, trybe. I haven't stayed on any if them other than Steem(I run a witness with someone else on WLS, but I don't truly blog there). They all have their problems, and staying truly decentralized without spam is going to be a problem for all of them. Everyone had tried to handle it different ways. I don't know how STEEMIT 2.0 will try.

Getting new users is a problem for them all too. Steem has its onboarding issues as we know, but the cost (for me at least) to get into EOS was about $10, and on top of that had to buy about another $10 of tokens to even interact with the chain. A lot of users on STEEM have very little money invested, and they might not want to invest into EOS either, meaning they can barely interact.

So I think no. EOS and Steem are different enough that I dont think we'll lose users, and I dont know if their onboarding will be better than ours. Steem is getting better with more apps being built on top of it, and that's going to drive more users to us.

Posted using Partiko Android