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RE: Curation and Economic update

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

Of course im generalizing. Thats the whole point of my comment. You yourself said the exact same thing in your last video: "People think that Steemit is generally low quality content"..
I cant pick and choose every single creator and point out why this is high quality or why this isnt.
And yes, you really seem to do high quality work for the niche you do.

I for example didnt even own a mic 3 months ago when i started out.
I didnt have a mic, i didnt have a pop filter, a stand, lights, a program for audio editing, didnt know how to stop clipping, how to sync audio, etc.
But im trying. Every thing i do is special to me and has a point. If i did a million and one song a day that would be prostituting my talent for money. You cant interact with your audience, that particular video simply doesnt stay in focus less then a few hours until the next one.

When you take that route youre just doing it for the upvotes.
If you made 3 videos per day on youtube you wouldnt get nearly the views 1 per day does. Viewers would get burned out and that kind of spam would hurt you. But here, its quite opposite, sure you get less interaction, but more upvotes are coming in so who cares.

Dtube is here, or rather should be here to push forward those that actively claw their way to a level of quality that can compete with other platforms.

My talent and skill didnt change one bit from day one. But everything else did, things i didnt need to focus on, that are insignificant in comparison.

What im seeing (and sure, i can say, "not all" to comply to the semantics rule) is the conveyor belt content spam on platforms with high SP...
Ive seen "creators", if they are vlogers talk the same topic from a different angle in 10-15 videos in a row, musicians doing karaoke spam without ever trying anything remotely different (improving lighting, editing, location, genre, nothing). And they just switch platforms never improving in any way.

There is just no incentive to improve for them because this works
And im not talking reaching a high video quality like yours that you cant go far up from that so you are content.
You need to motivate your creators to move forward. Rewarding them for conveyor belt content isnt healthy in my opinion.
Thats not how you grow a viewer base, thats just feeding hungry cats that meow loudly under your table.


You know what, I think this was very objective and your point is well said. I can see your point of view and even agree with it to an extent.

I know one of the reasons I started creating more daily was because when I was posting once a day dumping hours into the video it would get missed. So I started breaking my content up, with an attempt to fairly monetize my channel.

Well said though, well said.

Thx. I mean its everyones right to monetize as much as they want, and how they want to do it. I cant say squat to them.
Ethics aside you cant go against those that work in the boundaries of the system, no matter the problems the system has.
This is more of a dtube focused complaint, where they need to decide the direction they want to go in and whats important to them..
Thx for reading my ramble. :D

Well said @silentscreamer darling. I love you. Thanks @spenceryan too for agreeing with what seems true.