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RE: DTube - YouTube's Days Are Numbered - D.Tube Is THE Blockchain Solution To Censorship! (interview with the creator of DTube)

in #dtube6 years ago

Well that is the crux of the matter isn't it, whilst I think today's climate is very much too politically correct you also cannot allow a free for all. However I think this comes down to, do the vast majority of people in the world have good moral standards generally?

If that is true then I believe having an open non censored platform will be able to work and as I have also said many times just shutting up or hiding bad things so that they are not on show really doesn't help and actually gives a false premise that all is good in the world. If the steemit self policing system works whilst still allowing that alternative viewpoint to be heard then that is at least better than censorship dictated by a central entity with no oversight on what it does.

We need to hear these alternative views so we can debate and challenge them. The question is do Governments trust people to be able to do this? I think we are going to find out soon.


The way I see it the future world will be a bit wild. We must be so close now to an AI that can generate money automatically. Especially if it can simulate a human + use service like Steemit that gives digital currency out. Before with YouTube it was a bit more complicated and slower. But now the transaction speed is getting faster.

I do believe that people have good moral standard but 10 billion humans on earth which we are going up to will still create massive competition. Even though abundance is coming there will always be that worry about when someone will invent an AI robot that will create massive changes in society.

Now when we are becoming empowered as well it means everyone can do anything which definitely will cause many problems and issues. We humans do work in hierarchy and it's not easy to change that. It's built into nature. And also that abundance creates other issues as what people should spend time doing. Then we usually go back to competition!

Either we become hyper intelligent or we crash down it seems like.Right now it's all about what geek can come out with the most intelligent system how we should navigate this landscape! But there are no easy solutions this is so advanced and complex that we need to work side by side with robots to look deeper into it.

And it will be even more confusing when you can live your whole life in your own virtual world without even moving your body. It's very close to become a reality. Especially when virtual reality technology becomes cheaper so mainstream can adopt it on a large scale.