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RE: Becoming A Full Time Steemian | DTube Vlog #14

in #dtube6 years ago

This video couldn't have come at a better time! I am just about to begin the journey to becoming a full time Steemian. I joined over a year ago, and posted a few articles - a couple under a different account at first. Those articles obviously didn't get much traction since I was new and I got a new job, so I stopped writing articles for the time. My brother and I recently came up with an idea for a video series and I thought I could go more in depth in article form as well... and Steemit popped back into my mind. THEN I found out about DTube and got all kinds of excited!! Now my brother has an account and we're about to fully dive in! Plus, a couple of other video series have come to mind in the past few days!

I know it's going to take hard work, consistency, and persistence... but I'm looking forward to it. The Steemit community has grown quite a bit since I last saw it, and I'm looking forward to meeting and getting to know all of you!

Thanks for the advice and I look forward to more of your content!