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RE: Join The Dollar Vigilante at the Nexus Conference with Ron Paul, Judge Napolitano, Doug Casey & More

in #dtube7 years ago

Isn't NEXUS doing the same thing but maybe more than the company Blockstream is doing? ... Satellites...

Nexus want's to decentralize the internet...making the blockchain ecosystem more secure...decentralize decentralization....blockstream wants to monopolize bitcoin blockchain.

Any added perspectives here?


Having focused on blockstream the last several months, have no idea what Nexus is doing. First time probably most are hearing of them.

ya - nexus hasn't gotten much spotlight - it's been a real grass roots movement i've seen go from 30 million market cap to around 160 million market cap in the last few months...ever so quietly lololol.

Checkem out and let me know what you think - i foolishly sold a large position @ 1.20 thinking i had soo much time to buy it back...maybe even on a dip :) I mean i hardly heard anyone talking about them...

*Anyways, i wish i had all of those nexus coins i once did...probably a pretty common story in general in the crypto space...."wishing had HODL'D better!"