4 MIND-BLOWING Reasons Why You Should Create Every Day

in #dtubedaily6 years ago (edited)


Yo yo yo, @axios here!

So when you create every day, your mind becomes more proactive.

It gets used to thinking in new ways, problem solving, and finding the fun in all aspects of your life.

Here's A Few Mind-Blowing Reasons To Be Creative Every Single Day


In this video, I share with you my top four reasons why you should create every single day if you don't already. Enjoy!


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Love the energy in the edits of the video. Some great points made- I am going to commit to create :)

Awesome @logicknot, do it!!

I think that's a good idea, I'll enjoy it, let go of tired and burden, thank you for the brilliant ideaI

Awesome! Wishing you the best on your journey @teukuwahyu!

Mind blowing reason #5 if you stay a child at heart then you will be able to keep in contact with the muse that lives inside you!! That's just my experience. Once you slow down in being creative then like anything that gets neglected it will wear down and become obsolete to your mind then when you try to bring it back to life it'll be a zombie instead of real living force.

@plhus1 I love that! I actually meant to add that concept to this vid. Keeping it fun. Thats been a huge one for me. Thanks for the great reminder!

Axios the unstoppable content creation beast! :D
Love the video bro.

hahaha thank you brother! Always appreciate the support :)

@axios. Nothing blocks and ebb a man's creative energy like convectional set-ups perfected in systems e.g education, parenting, etc

There just seems to be a way to do anything you can ever think of. You must dissolves into a certain mold and allow it shape you.

And what do we see at the end.

A you, not different that what has been....

One great way to blast beyond the cordons of this limiting force is to be creative everyday.

It stretches and enlarges the mind. It fosters pro-activeness. And the mind is set upon the reins of creative solutions to life's impending and raging problems.

Thanks for theposts @axios.

Yes it does bro! Here's to daily creative explosions!

Great video, I've been trying to put at least one post up a day since I started on here. The only days I missed is when I had the flu even though I wanted to put more content out there.

Thats so awesome @holcombart. Keep at it brother!

So true thats what humans are at tour essence creative beings, only it gets knocked out of us when we go to school, and then working in jobs which don't encourage that side of ourselves. Thats why Steemit is so great you get to create everyday and get paid for it!

I agree with you 1000% @tonysawyers33! I've never had any sort of creative incentive like this. It's an awesome time to be online ;-)

Absolutely! Keep creating and keep up the good work!

Great motivational post @axios. Especially after I've just come back from a bit of a break and, for the first time in my life, I have a content strategy, so looking forward to posting regular videos - maybe even every day.

Great editing and video quality - also great to see you've had such a fat upvote on this one. Really fits in with what you are saying!

@eftnow hellz yeah props on finding your strategy. I know that can take a bit to really hone down!

Thanks for the kind words man! And ya I was pretty stoked this morn!

Wishing you all the best with your content production moving forward!

HAHAHAH! Awesome video man! As always!
Good job and great message!
And I totally agree! I have been creating every day now for about two weeks... And I can't imagine myself having a day without something created! :D

Heard that!

Thanks for the awesome vibes @syndicateframes and like I said on your channel earlier - I love your stuff. You add the "dope" to d.tube (cuz "d" stands for dope obviously)

:D Nice!
Thank you!

And I watched your video! It was awesome! Thanks for the mention! And the production value atlest when it comes to planing looks great! You have structure with comedy ellements! I am learning that now. And getting inspired by you and Kevin and other dtubedailyers! :D Just awesome! Thanks for everything!

Thank you bro and likewise! The inspiration is mutual :)

This comment made my moorning :D

You said it ma man!!

Winny out...for now ;)

PS: sorry for the freaking short comment...I know that you shouldn't do it like that, but you know that I love you brother ;)

@myndnow how could you! I expect masterpieces in the comments section. Anything less is an insult!

......but for some odd reason I love you anyways :P

I kid I kid!

Love you too ma man!! Brothers from another mother you are!

Winny out..for now ;)

The habit forming component is a great skill to hone in on and as you said, with more practice, the more automatic it will feel. I have been getting on the platform plenty to I, but lacking a posting schedule is leading to inconsistent content release so my goal is to tighten my habits surrounding steemit. Thanks for another entertaining and informative post, continued success!

@thedreamsteem take it one day at a time. Getting on a constant schedule requires you to really understand your content well and that takes time! Keep creating and discovering what works for you with the goal of a daily schedule (or whatever you are aiming for).

Thanks for the kind words @thedreamsteem! Wishing you the best!

I couldn't but agree with everything you say. Keep the good work.

Thank you @izge! Cheers!

YouTube and or Social Media algorithms love frequency, consistency and watch time. It's important that the content have value of course, but I'd certainly agree that getting out content is a good practice.

Great points @buzweaveryoutube. Lots of dynamics involved but content is a great place to start!

hmmm the 3 weeks habit thing is interesting. Always a pleasure watching your videos

21 days is the way brudda. Glad you are enjoying them ;-)


Choo choo, the hustle train coming through! Glad to see you on board, next stop, the top 🔥

EDIT: Your production quality is crazy good 🙏🏼

I appreciate you @williamwest! Thank you for the kind words bro. Choo choo!!!

This was really inspiring! Crazyness in my life has thrown me off my creative loop, but need to get back to the daily grind! It's nice to see how good you are doing! :D

@amethystrosee long time! So great to see you here though :) Heard that with the life thing - it can do that for surrrre. That's why I try to keep it as simple as possible and build up from there. Easier said than done.

I'm gonna pop over to your channel now :)

Great tips man and I 10000% agree.

It's too easy to 'say' you will create daily and start getting bogged down with every day life. It needs to be a priority and once you get into the habit....It's not only easier to do, you LOVE doing it.

I read @kevinwong talk about this in his post earlier...You are creating content and actually 'mining' by creating. O.K. he broke it down a lot better than I just did...But the concept of us owning a stake in this platform and putting great content out there is such a win now and for the future.

Keep crushing it man! Awesome to watch and learn from your stuff!

@jongolson YES! - mining is absolutely how I see it. It really does feel that way with the sense of luck and consistency that's required to be successful on here.

Really pumped to hear you are digging the content and learning from it. I always appreciate your positive comments bro!

That is the most attention grabbing video I have ever seen! What video editor do you use and how long does it take you? You're really good at that!

Thank you @alexhottel! I used adobe premiere pro to edit videos and it takes me 2-4 hours to film and edit most videos. This one probably took like 2.5 ;-)

Hi @axios I always find your posts so motivating! I have been trying to post more frequently and your tips really do help. I would love it if you would check out my latest post and give me your opinion: https://steemit.com/life/@t8scones/life-always-finds-a-way-fighting-loneliness

Wow what a gorgeous article you wrote there @t8scones! I left my full comment on your article. You're a truly gifted writer and a brilliant being!

Thank you so much @axios! You are a great inspiration.
If its not too personal to ask... what do you do as your day job? I only wonder because 2-4 hours a day spent on making a video for steemit must really take it out of you!

Nice point about getting into a routine which becomes a habit. One way of starting off is an activity or test that you think will interest others, and requires at least a month to conduct. Just write a daily diary on how it's going.

Ah yes that's a great point there. I webcam journal every single day and it's tremendously helpful. Especially for creativity!

Amazing man! Glad I stumbled on your content. I love the whiteboard in the background. Gotta have that morning routine! I've been creating daily for awhile now. Working on consistency still, but the effort is there and i'm loving it! Thanks for this :)

@brendube that's so awesome to hear man! I watched parts of your video (d.tube is not loading well for me today so I'll be back) and I'm really diggin your vibe man! I've subbed and looking forward to seeing more bro. Cheers!

Thanks bro cheers😊✌️

Good stuff my man. Creation overload on tap. Love it.

haha true dat! Thank you @captainbob!

Mind Melted - rewind

Thanks for the inspiration brother. I love especially the reminders to keep it simple and make it habit forming!! I just completed a 40day yoga challenge and you are spot on - you just keep riding the wave!! and my 6 month baby was giggling away at this!!

OMG @alila.grace that's so precious. BUCKET LIST: Make a baby laugh with my videos: CHECK!

So glad you enjoyed it and props on the 40 day yoga challenge!

Well done....!!!!
I think that's a good idea, I'll enjoy it, let go of tired and burden, thank you so much for the brilliant idea....

No problem @rock220! Thanks for the kinds words :)

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Thank you for this video, it was helpful

Yeah!!! Totally agree!
Do it every day! Get better at it every day! :)

Have an amazing day!

:)) you're so funny here ^-^, cute @axios ! And you so full of energy and positivity! Thank you for that :)!

You told about good reasons!!

You know,to do things every day ,you have to be very motivated and very disciplined,you have to write posts and shoot videos of what you're really interested in,what makes fire in your eyes,in your body and mind.

Otherwise it just won't work,otherwise you won't be able to do it every day,it'll be like a hoax that can't last a long time!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, energy and creativity :)!