The importance of being self-critical

in #dtubedaily6 years ago

Being a perfectionist, or a self critical person is no stranger to me. It’s the curse of creativity.

We as creatives are always hungry, striving to make better things, and work tirelessly at improving. But is it possible to actually achieve a perfect creative project?

In my opinion, I don’t think I’ll ever be totally satisfied with my work, that’s not to say it isn’t good enough. I just have more of a modest mindset, I worry that if I were to finally achieve a piece of work that I couldn’t criticise, that’s where ego is born.

I’m always learning and always looking to break new barriers in my creation, how do you overcome these feelings, do you strive for perfection?

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There are 2 sides to feedback/criticism. I don't like criticizing other's work because it's not possible to know what issues had to be overcome to get the footage unless it was done in a controlled environment. With all the factors known it would be possible to provide feedback. Either way, you got your foot in the door, yeehaw! This is a field where you are only as good as your last work so always try to deliver the best you can do, but remember; great works of art are rarely produced on demand.

I think you always strive for perfection but you need to be a realist and accept that it may not come out perfect. I've been getting into the stoic mindset with most things in my life and while I'm not a raving perfectionist, I do have those tendencies. From a stoic perspective: How to Beat Perfectionism, Make Progress, and Find Happiness

Still not used to shaved Tim. I'm sure you did way better than you expected. Self criticism is very important, but we gotta make sure we're not too harsh on ourselves.

Great video buddy. I’m a bit of a perfectionist myself, which can be very frustrating. Congrats on your paying client!! That’s really cool